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 March 02, 2018

Top 3 Reasons You Need Tax Attorney Advice This Season

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Do you want the best outcome for your audit or negotiation? Do you have the experience to work out complex tax issues on your own?

LegalShield gives you the expertise of a nationwide network of tax attorneys at your fingertips. Become a member today.

Here’s why you should get a tax attorney expert on your side:

A Tax Lawyer Serves as Your Advocate

If you understand the relevant tax code and know how to appeal the recommended changes to your tax return, then it is appropriate to represent yourself.

But chances are if you’ve reached this point, you’re not on sure footing about your appeal or whether you can even provide the necessary documentation. Maybe there’s a chance you will be accused of tax evasion and that’s what brought you here – whatever the circumstances, they feel urgent and you’re feeling confused about what steps to take.

With a tax attorney, you have someone advocating on your behalf who will dissuade the IRS from pursuing lines of questioning that are intimidating or not in your best interests. Your tax attorney brings these difficult negotiations to an efficient close.

This can save you a significant amount of money and grief.

A Tax Lawyer Ensures Attorney-Client Privilege and Confidentiality

Your tax attorney is not only equipped with advanced negotiating skills, but also someone with whom you can have confidential conversations.

The attorney-client privilege will help you have brainstorming sessions with your attorney and allow you to speak honestly so that your attorney can provide the best legal services on your behalf. This privilege is often asserted when legal demands are made, such as a discovery request, or a demand that the lawyer testifies under oath.

However, it’s important to distinguish the ethical concept of the duty of confidentiality and the evidence concept of the attorney-client privilege. While they both encourage clients to trust their attorneys, they are not the same.

A Tax Attorney Will Make Sense of that CP (whatever that is!)

You’re wondering what that notice is, right?

The IRS sends CPs to inform taxpayers about hundreds of things that will confuse you, whether it’s an error on your tax return or a debt reminder. How to proceed?

At the end of the day, it’s challenging to make sense of the specific language used in tax situations.

The complexity of the process itself is daunting – it’s difficult to know what to say and to whom. If you have no understanding of how to work effectively within the IRS bureaucracy and you’re engaged in a legal negotiation with them, you’re working from a stance of weakness.

Bottom Line

Your tax attorney is your legal representation who will negotiate with the IRS during and after an audit, try to settle your debt for less than you owe, and someone with whom you will have confidential conversations. Your attorney will walk you through a CP. And most of all, your attorney will potentially save you thousands of dollars and hours of time that would have otherwise been spent in acute anxiety.

LegalShield provides access to legal services offered by a network of provider law firms to LegalShield Members through member-based participation. Neither LegalShield nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation or advice. See a plan contract at for specific state of residence for complete terms, coverage, amounts, and conditions. This is not intended to be legal or medical advice. Please contact a medical professional for medical advice or assistance and an attorney for legal advice or assistance.


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